Thursday, October 29, 2020

TikTok strikes back at Triller with patent counter-suit | Music Ally

Remember when Triller sued TikTok for patent infringement in July? Whatever happened to that case? What happened this week is that TikTok struck back with a counter lawsuit.

At issue is a June 2017 patent awarded to a children’s apps firm called Mibblio, whose co-founders David Lieberman and Sammy Rubin also co-founded Triller – which says it now owns the patent.

The counter-lawsuit from TikTok and parent company ByteDance asks for a court to rule in their favour. “ByteDance says TikTok doesn’t perform the steps covered by the patent,” reported Bloomberg. It also quoted Triller CEO Mike Lu’s unimpressed reaction, although his “this is nothing more than a transparent attempt by a Chinese conglomerate” rhetoric feels a little too nakedly geared towards current political prejudices in the US.

Stuart Dredge


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