Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Believe was the buyer of playlisting platform Soundsgood | Music Ally

In April we reported on the shutdown of French startup Soundsgood. It had launched in 2015 as a way to curate playlists and manage them across multiple streaming services, before moving more towards B2B services for labels.

“These B2B activities have eventually led to our recent acquisition,” announced Soundsgood as it closed down, but the company declined to say who the buyer was.

Now, through the time-honoured journalistic tradition of ‘remembering to look at the former CEO’s LinkedIn profile a few months later’, Music Ally can reveal that the acquirer of Soundsgood was… distributor Believe.

Soundsgood boss Josquin Farge is now global head of consumer marketing solutions at Believe, with his profile noting that he was “founder of Soundsgood (acquired by Believe)”.

He’s now “managing a team of CRM experts and Tech/PDT squad” at the distributor. So if you’ve noticed Believe upping its playlists game this year, now you know why.

Stuart Dredge

[from https://ift.tt/2vCxqPg]

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