Friday, August 14, 2020

Glass Animals created a music video with fans’ head-scans | Music Ally

Back in May, we wrote about an inventive digital marketing campaign for the band Glass Animals, letting fans poke around a virtual computer desktop and create stuff with their assets.

Now label Polydor’s ongoing campaign for their album ‘Dreamland’ has taken some new twists. Fans were asked to download an app called Trnio, which scans real-world objects and turns them into 3D models.

In this case, what they were scanning was their own heads, which visual artist Marco Mori then turned into a music video for Glass Animals’ track ‘Tangerine’. It’s… strange (but good).

Meanwhile, fans are also being encouraged to use a new Instagram AR lens (tap on this link with a mobile device to see it) to scan the 3D head artwork from the album.

Polydor told us that in the first 24 hours, the lens was used more than 18k times, generating nearly 200k impressions of the resulting videos.

Stuart Dredge


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