Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Niall Horan and Kylie Minogue online concerts sold 150k tickets | Music Ally

It was a busy weekend for online concerts firm Driift, which had two big events airing on Saturday night: a livestream from former One Direction member Niall Horan, and a pre-recorded concert by Kylie Minogue.

This morning, the company revealed figures on how they did: it sold more than 150k tickets for the two events – specifically more than 125k for Horan’s gig, and nearly 30k for Minogue’s.

Horan performed live at the Royal Albert Hall, with tickets costing £16 – meaning a gross of around £2.4m for an event that was sharing its profits between Horan’s own touring crew and the #WeNeedCrew relief fund.

Minogue’s pre-recorded performance had the same ticket price, so will have grossed nearly £480k. Driift is already preparing for its next event, with The Vamps on 21 November.

Photo credit: Conor McDonnell

Stuart Dredge


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