Tuesday, September 22, 2020

UK’s Musicians’ Union delivers new warning over Covid-19 | Music Ally

With the UK bracing itself for a ‘second spike’ of Covid-19 cases in the autumn and winter, things aren’t looking good for the return of physical live concerts. Now the Musicians’ Union has published the results of its latest survey, warning about the potential consequences.

“A third (34%) of musicians are considering abandoning the industry completely, due to financial hardship caused by the coronavirus pandemic,” it claimed. “Nearly half (47%) of our members have already been forced to seek work outside of the industry, with seven in 10 (70%) unable to undertake more than a quarter of their usual work.”

88% of the MU’s members think the British government hasn’t done enough to support musicians during the pandemic.

“With social distancing measures still in place, venues can only sell at around 30% of usual capacity,” said general secretary Horace Trubridge. “We are calling on the Government to implement a seat-matching scheme, which would take venues’ potential revenue to 60%, providing a lifeline to musicians and the wider industry.”

Seat-matching? That would see the government match the price of every concert ticket sold for socially-distanced events.

Stuart Dredge

[from https://ift.tt/2vCxqPg]

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