Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Fall Guys launches ‘battle of the brands’ for in-game promo | Music Ally

We wrote about the early success of new console and PC game Fall Guys earlier this month: an online multiplayer game where bouncy Minions-like characters bimble their way through obstacle courses and mini-games. It’s managing to tempt kids away from Fortnite and is proving popular with livestreamers, but now it seems brands are keen too.

“The thirst from brands has been unreal… so we’re turning it into something positive,” tweeted the game’s developer yesterday. “Prize: Your brand inside Fall Guys as a costume!”. As we explained before, Fall Guys players can unlock (or buy) different costumes for their characters – a recipe for Fortnite-style brand partnerships, perhaps even with music artists. However, for now there can only be one: brands are being given two weeks to reply to the tweet with the highest amount of money they’d be willing to donate to games-industry charity Special Effect, in order to get a costume into the game. The highest bid at the time of writing? $100k from influencer MrBeast. Would any label fancy going wallet-to-wallet with him?

Stuart Dredge


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