Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Virtual re-Ellie-ty: Ellie Goulding makes XR music videos | Music Ally

British artist Ellie Goulding has a pair of new videos out for her new tracks ‘Brightest Blue‘ and ‘New Heights‘.

They’re the result of a partnership between label Polydor and Vevo for the latter’s ‘Official Live Performance’ series, but what’s notable is their use of ‘XR’ technology, which blends camera footage with computer-generated content in real-time.

For ‘Brightest Blue’ it begins by adding lighting effects (blue, of course) as Goulding sings and then stage dressing is added and it ends with the camera pulling back to reveal the soundstage it was filmed on and the musicians performing live that were previously out of shot. ‘New Heights’ does something similar but focuses on an evolving backdrop instead.

The results look good. In theory, XR technology could also work for livestreams, although it would be costly, so for now may be best deployed for this kind of pre-recorded live performance music video.

Eamonn Forde


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