Thursday, May 28, 2020

Spotify ditches its 10,000-song limit for listener libraries | Music Ally

We’d like to know the history of Spotify’s 10,000-song limit on saving tracks to people’s libraries. It’s been there since the early days, and in recent years more and more people have been bumping up against it – and thus being forced to ‘unlike’ older tracks in order to continue ‘liking’ new ones. Nobody seems quite sure why the limit was set at that particular number. Anyway, it doesn’t matter any more: yesterday, Spotify abolished the limit, announcing the change on its online support community, where more than 12,500 people had registered their desire to get rid of the restriction. “This makes it possible to save songs, and albums on Spotify to your heart’s content,” explained the announcement. The caveat: Spotify’s offline-listening limits have not been changed: users can still only download 10,000 songs across their allotted five devices for offline listening, and they also still have a limit of 10,000 songs in any one individual playlist.

Stuart Dredge


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