Tuesday, March 24, 2020

There really is a robot releasing music on Spotify | Music Ally

Wait! Drop the pitchforks! Shimon isn’t one of these fake artists you’ve been hearing about (we’re still trying to get to the bottom of who Jan Thiel is, by the way). No, Shimon is proudly, unashamedly an actual robot, and he plays the marimba. He’s one of the robotics projects at Georgia Tech’s Center for Music Technology, and he has an album coming out shortly of music written using his deep-learning tech. Expect jams, maaaaaan.

“Shimon’s musical knowledge is drawn from training on huge datasets of lyrics, around 20,000 prog rock songs and another 20,000 jazz songs,” Georgia tech’s Richard Savery told the IEEE Spectrum website. “At a fundamental level Shimon is able to take in huge amounts of new material very rapidly, so within a day it can change from focusing on jazz lyrics, to hip hop to prog rock, or a hybrid combination of them all.”

The full story has more details on how the technology works, including Shimon’s mouth movements being based on “parrot vocalization and Muppets animation”.


Image: Georgia Tech via YouTube

Stuart Dredge

[from https://ift.tt/2vCxqPg]

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