Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Penny Fractions: The Myth of Music Streaming Competition | Penny Fractions

Hello! First off, I’d like to say thank you to everyone that came out last week to Molasses Books and got a copy of ‘NuMusic: A Gig Economy Solution’. If you’re at all interested in getting a physical copy, please email me because I ran out and plan to do another print run after the holidays. Also, I wanted to share a list of my favorite albums and mixes of 2019, along with all the books I read. Next year, I’m gonna keep a public running list of this, so if you’re ever curious about what I’m reading and/or listening to, be on the lookout for that. 

I also have one small request! If you know of any academic articles on music streaming, platforms, financialization, or even the history of major record labels, I’d love to get my hands on some holiday reading material. (Double points if it’s something you wrote!) This will be the last newsletter of 2019; I’ll be back on January 8th. Otherwise, thank you so much to everyone that’s read the newsletter this year and, as always, if you enjoy it, please forward it to a friend and check out the Patreon


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