Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Why You Should Integrate Content Marketing with SEO | Evolvor Media

The changing digital trends force marketing channels to flow with the tide. At some point, what was previously regarded as unrelated marketing components will eventually overlap and work together to create a cohesive and successful whole.

This is the case with SEO and content marketing, the key components of the latest trends in digital marketing, as shown in the infographic below by Serpwatch.

Many marketers consider them mistakenly as separate units, but they actually have a tremendous impact when combined. The only way that a content marketing strategy can truly dominate is when it is integrated with SEO.

The reasons for this are endless, but we will give you below a couple of convincing points that will make you look at SEO and content marketing in a brand new light.

SEO and Content Marketing Complement Each Other

Content marketing stands out from other digital marketing strategies because it prioritizes the needs of the customers before pitching a sale. It offers relevant and valuable information that many people will appreciate, cultivating trust and credibility for the brand.

Search engine algorithms now favor engaging content that provides value. Readers who see through the fluff will abandon your site and look for relevant information elsewhere. Search engines will take notice of this and deem your content unworthy.

Content marketing ensures this never happens. Yes, you are targeting relevant keywords to improve your SEO rankings, but you are also offering valuable content that gives something back to your audience.

This will signal a positive response from search engines and level up conversion rate from your potential customers.

SEO and Content Marketing Deliver a Great User Experience

Through working hand in hand, SEO and content marketing can give users an unforgettable journey. They won’t shake their heads in frustration when they key in queries and find results that do not meet their needs and expectations.

Applying good SEO practices to your content marketing strategy will make your marketing campaign successful and your visitors happy. This includes effective use of relevant keywords, mobile optimization, and enhanced metadata, among other things.

Take a look at the infographic below and learn the other trends that will help you nail your digital strategy in 2019.

The post Why You Should Integrate Content Marketing with SEO appeared first on Evolvor - #1 Best SEO with 15+ years Experience.

[from https://ift.tt/2loXS86]

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