Friday, August 30, 2019

Sushi joint wants customers to love its food as much as 'Kanye loves Kanye' | Advertising Age

Kanye West's undying love for himself is so abundant and pure, it may never be replicated or rivaled.

Nonetheless, Colorado restaurant chain Hapa Sushi wants its customers to "love your food as much as Kanye loves Kanye," the tag of its new regional print campaign from TDA Boulder. The Boulder, Colo. independent creative agency will be reprinting West's actual tweets alongside the campaign tag in half-page ads in regional lifestyle and music magazines and newspapers, as well as in the restaurant's four locations.

Such charming tweets include "Have you ever thought you were in love with someone but then realized you were just staring in the mirror for 20 minutes"; "I been fly so long I fell asleep on the plane"; "I’m not gon lie to you. I love me so much right now"; and "If I got any cooler I would freeze to death."

"For fresh ways to say 'I love this product,' nobody beats Kanye," says TDA Executive Creative Director Jonathan Schoenberg. "So what if his product is himself?"

Schoenberg says the idea for the campaign came to the agency pretty simply. "We were discussing ways to better express how much people love Hapa's food and the team said 'I love Hapa sushi as much as Kanye loves himself," he explains.


(West did not approve this message.)


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