Friday, August 16, 2019

Friday’s Endnotes – 08/16/19 | Copyhype

A small claims program for copyright violations? It’s an idea the ABA supports — “The ABA supports legislation that would create a new copyright small claims program within the U.S. Copyright Office to adjudicate copyright small claims more efficiently and economically than federal courts, according to a resolution passed overwhelmingly by the House of Delegates on Monday at the annual meeting in San Francisco.”

Fleet of copyright groups support pirate ship photographer before SCOTUS — “This week, more than a dozen groups including The Copyright Alliance and non-profit the Washington Legal Foundation filed briefs in support of the photographer, who has urged the US’s highest court to revive the Copyright Remedy Clarification Act of 1990 (CRCA) and its abrogation of state immunity.”

SoundExchange Teams With SourceAudio to Help Podcasters License Music — “In a new alliance with the music licensing platform SourceAudio, SoundExchange will give digital music marketplace access to its membership of music creators, and help podcasters secure global licenses for label and publisher-owned music with the click of a button.”

Ads on Pirate Sites Can Hurt Sales, Survey Finds — “The survey in question polled 1,017 adults in the United States. These respondents were asked whether they believe that advertisers should prevent their ads from showing up on dubious sites. In addition, the survey asked whether they would buy less if they saw a brand’s ads on these sites. The results of the survey, perhaps unsurprisingly, show that many people would like advertisers to prevent their ads from appearing on ‘dangerous’ sites. Hate speech, porn, and hacked sites were seen as most troublesome, and pirate sites follow at a distance, with 53% of the respondents urging advertisers to take action for this category.”


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