Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Penny Fractions: Always Question the Company Narrative | Penny Fractions

Hello, there are a number of new subscribers this week, which feels like a good moment to a little bio on myself. I’m David Turner, an increasingly infrequent music journalist whose work has appeared in Bandcamp, Music Business Worldwide, the New Yorker, Spin, and Rolling Stone. A bit of professional news is that I’m about to start doing some contract work with SoundCloud and won’t be writing about the company going forward and wanted to be upfront with that. If this potentially clouds perception of my commentary, I understand.

Otherwise Penny Fractions arrives every Wednesday morning (EST) with an essay on music streaming with links to stories I find interesting. I’ll admit this week’s newsletter is a little weirder than normal, so certainly check out my previous weeks where other topics might interest you more. Long-winded introduction aside, let’s chat about one my former college majors: Public Relations.


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