Saturday, December 22, 2018

$5k for the Grammys with Nadler and Jeffries? Check out Google’s WHCD party | MUSIC • TECHNOLOGY • POLICY

Somebody started whinging about a campaign email for a $5000 ticket to go to the Grammys with Reps. Jerry Nadler and Hakim Jeffries like this is some booga booga sign of corruption and influence peddling.  (And whingers could at least get the spelling right–it’s Grammys, not Grammies.)

I haven’t seen the actual tickets, so I don’t know that the face price is for the seats in question.  However, if it’s for a box seat, it wouldn’t shock me if that ticket went for 5 figures anyway.

But let’s put this in perspective.  First of all, Nadler and Jeffries are already on side with artist rights…perhaps because their constituents are artists?  New York, New York does have a few in almost any zip code.

And if you want to know about paying for access, don’t miss this video of government officials arriving at Google’s White House Correspondents Dinner party in 2016.  Glass houses, baby.


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