Friday, July 13, 2018

@vahn16: Popular Twitch Streamers Temporarily Banned For Playing Copyrighted Music — Artist Rights Watch | MUSIC • TECHNOLOGY • POLICY

[Editor Charlie sez: It’s about time that these royalty deadbeats began understanding the meaning of “repeat infringer policy” which Twitch (owned by Amazon) does not seem to have in place at all.]

If you’ve watched any Twitch streams at all in your life ever, this might come as a surprise to you. After all, pretty much everybody on Twitch uses music. Sometimes it’s royalty-free, but it’s not uncommon to hear familiar hits during big streamers’ shows. Some streamers have playlists going in the background for the entirety of multi-hour streams. Others—Kotaku’s own channel included—put on some chill music before a stream is about to start, to let viewers know it’s time to tune in. To account for this, sometimes Twitch auto-mutes audio in portions of stream archives. Otherwise, people don’t usually get in trouble for it.

That doesn’t mean they can’t get in trouble for it, though.

via @vahn16: Popular Twitch Streamers Temporarily Banned For Playing Copyrighted Music — Artist Rights Watch


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