Monday, March 26, 2018

The Big B: Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid To Fight Against Bankruptcy | Evolvor Media

The Big B: Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid To Fight Against Bankruptcy



bankruptcyBusinesses and bankruptcy do not go well together. For business owners, filing for bankruptcy is like a death sentence. It may be one of the most embarrassing things they have to face. Going bankrupt is an entrepreneur’s worst nightmare because it could mean the end of everything you worked hard for.

Bankruptcy can be prevented as long as you know how to manage your business correctly. You have to understand the reasons behind why entrepreneurial ventures, even the big ones, fail so you can avoid committing the same mistakes they made. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it, as they say. Once you are aware of these mistakes, you can create strategies that can lessen your business’ risk of going bankrupt.

Mistakes You Shouldn’t Make to Avoid Bankruptcy

Running a business venture is not easy. You may experience unprofitable months, but there are lucrative months as well. However, if your business is operating at a loss, you have a higher risk of going bankrupt.

Avoid mistakes that previous companies did so your business can still thrive. These mistakes include:

  • The company lacks funding. Business owners must be aware of the initial funding needed to operate for the next three to five years. However, if you are unaware of how much you need to continue your business, you have a higher risk of failing. If you lack proper funding, you will not be able to fund your day-to-day business operations.


  • The business is overspending. Overspending is a big problem. Committing uncalculated risks may cost you your business. If you are operating under limited funds, you should avoid overspending. Your “inexpensive” trips to the coffee shop may cost more than you think when you add them all up. Your expansion plan may look profitable now but may end up leaving you in debt in the long run.
  • The business could not attract the right consumers. Product placement is a key to attracting the right target market. Know your products’ strengths and weaknesses. If you do not know your product, you will not be able to communicate its purpose to your target market.
  • The business has no plan. Business plans exist for a reason. They help enterprises stay focused. These guidelines allows ventures stick to the plan to reach their goals. Expenses, workforce, production costs, and product diversification must also be planned.
  • You keep on hiring the wrong people. Hiring people who do not contribute to your company’s growth is a waste of money. You are paying your employees to help your company; instead, they are not doing the job they are expected to do. This practice will cost your company to lose money.
  • The revenues are too low. Generating revenues is one of the main reasons why businesses operate. If your revenue stream is too small, there might be something wrong with your:
    • Pricing. Your pricing might be incorrect. Your revenues cannot cover the overhead costs to make your product.
    • Chosen target market. You might be tapping on the wrong target market. You are targeting people who may not find your product beneficial to their needs.
    • Marketing strategies. Your marketing strategies may be ineffective. You might be throwing away money for your marketing efforts because they are not working.
    • Product. Lastly, there might be wrong in your product itself. Consumers may not be satisfied with your product. Return customers are a major part of your revenue stream.

Saving Your Business from Bankruptcy

Planning and being prepared is the best solution you have when it comes to avoiding bankruptcy. These steps can help keep your business from failing:

  • Invest in a competent workforce. Your employees should be beneficial to your company. You must hire the right person to do the right job. Otherwise, you are just throwing away your money. In the end, your company will suffer.
  • Increase revenues. Revenues help fuel business operations, pay for employee’s salaries, and pay back debts. Increasing your profits makes it easier for your business to maintain smooth business operations and keep up with their payments.
  • Pay off debts. Prioritize your creditors. They placed their trust in you, and you can’t let them down. You must pay off your debts before planning on spending the company’s money. Create a payment plan or scheme that allows you to put your creditors first before other financial obligations.
  • Have a plan. If you own a business, you must learn how to plan. You must create a method for your debt payment, expenses, asset acquisition, employee promotions, production, and other operations relate to your venture.
  • Apply the right marketing strategies. Choose your target market carefully. You need to study it before you start your marketing campaigns. Once you have chosen the ideal customer base for your product, you can tailor your marketing strategies to capture their interests.

Business owners know the value of their business because most of them started it from scratch. They started the business venture using their time and money. Bankruptcy is humiliating because it symbolizes a failure to keep the ventures thriving. Companies and businesses may also consult with a legal practitioner on their options for filing bankruptcy, which you may click here to learn more. You can ask legal advice to assess if you are eligible to file for bankruptcy.

bellaBella Flanagan

Bella Flanagan has dedicated much of her life to law, and her pieces as a writer are imbued with her wisdom obtained from over 20 years of experience in business. Bella enjoys hanging out with her grandchildren when she has the free time.

The post The Big B: Mistakes Your Business Should Avoid To Fight Against Bankruptcy appeared first on Digital Media News & Training.


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