Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Certain Songs #971: Los Campesinos! – You! Me! Dancing! | Medialoper

Album: Hold On Now, Youngster!
Year: 2008

I can’t believe it’s been almost a decade since Hold On Now, Youngster! came out. At the time, its exuberant joy felt like a breath of fresh air, as Los Campesinos! captured the sound of a bunch of young smart kids who understood just how fleeting, fun and special being a smart young kid was.

And while Los Campesinos! have made a handful of records since then — all of the them good-to-great — none of them have quite risen to the heights as their debut, which featured gems like “Death To Los Campesinos!,” “My Year in Lists” and the immortal “You! Me! Dancing!”

Starting with a slow guitar build that leads into a big guitar riff augmented by violins and glockenspiel and underpinned by a drumbeat slyly stolen from “Love Will Tear Us Apart” which, of course, would be impossible not to dance to.

And in between lyrics that conflate dancing with scene-building, fashion, and of course, sex, “You! Me! Dancing! then drops down for a bit of truthtelling.

If there’s one thing I could never confess
It’s that I can’t dance a single step

Well, yeah, neither could I, which never stopped me, either. Because there was always you, me and dancing. So fuck art, let’s dance.

“You! Me! Dancing!”

“You! Me! Dancing!” performed live in 2010


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