Thursday, April 30, 2020

Tom Gray calls for 25% rise for streaming subscriptions | Music Ally

Musician Tom Gray, who’s also on the boards of PRS for Music and the Ivors Academy, has been raising a rumpus on Twitter recently with a campaign hashtagged #BrokenRecord, focusing on the inequities of streaming and the modern music business for artists and songwriters.

Now he’s been explaining the motivation behind the campaign to music website God Is In The TV. Among his suggestions: “The platforms and major labels need to come to the table with creators and re-negotiate the division of payment. It most probably will require a 25% price rise across the board in the streaming market,” said Gray. He later returned to that theme. “Stop saying it’s price-sensitive; Kids pay £8 for a skin in Fortnite and we can’t ask for £12.50 for the entirety of all recorded music? Give me a break.”

Gray’s other suggestions include treating streaming – or at least elements of it, like programmed playlists – more like broadcasting in terms of how the royalties are distributed. He’s also keen to find out why Deezer hasn’t been able to launch its trial of user-centric payouts yet. “Whenever platforms try to progress things they get shut down by one of the major labels. I direct you to look into what happened to Deezer’s attempts to introduce Usercentric (where your money goes to your music) into their payment model. I’d be amazed if you can get a straight answer…”

Stuart Dredge


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