Wednesday, March 25, 2020

#LoveRecordStores Initiative Launches To Save Indie Record Stores | Hypebot

#LoveRecordStores Initiative Launches To Save Indie Record Stores

The music community will launch a global initiative this Thursday to help independent record stores during the current coronavirus crisis.

These stores are experiencing a catastrophic drop-off in traffic even if they have not already been told to close their doors and many will not survive if something is not done urgently to stimulate sales.

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A growing list of music companies have already pledged their support for the #loverecordstores campaign. They are coordinating ideas, resources and mobilizing artists to record messages of support for record stores that can be used across all forms of social media.

Jason Rackham, Managing Director of [PIAS], who is leading the #loverecordstores initiative said, “Independent record stores have played a key role in supporting and developing artists and their music for decades, so now it is time for music companies and the artists they represent to step up and give something back. We must support these small businesses if they are to survive this crisis and at the same time we can still play a big part in helping them to continue to introduce their customers to new music. By speaking directly to their audiences about the importance of record stores and encouraging music fans to continue shopping with them online, artists can play a big part in helping secure the survival of this vital part of our industry.”

Musician Paul Weller added, “I’d be lost without my favorite record shops; Rough Trade, Soul Jazz, Honest Johns and all the other independents.  Let’s all keep them all going in this very strange time. Music will lift our spirits and soothe our souls. Love to everyone.”

How Musicians, Influencers Can Help Now

Musicians, artists, actors and celebrity music fans are being asked to film short video clips in support including what independent record stores mean to them, where their favorite store is, what records and artists those stores have helped them discover and most importantly to encourage their fans to continue to shop online with their favorite stores wherever possible.

More From The Indie Community

Laura Kennedy co-owner of Piccadilly Records in Manchester (UK) said, “Piccadilly Records has been around since the late 1970s and over the years we have faced lots of challenges, but nothing on the scale of what we face at the moment. It’s with a heavy heart therefore that we have closed our doors this weekend and it’s going to be tough. Our website and mail order department are going to keep going as normal while the shop is closed and there are still plenty of records being released. We’ve all got difficult times ahead but if we all stick together I’m sure we’ll get through. Be kind to each other and stay healthy.”

Beggars Group Founder and Chairman Martin Mills said, “I started life in a record store. Record stores are incubators for great music, and for musicians. In these incredible times they can still serve up what you need so please “visit” them online, patronise them, support them and help them survive. We’ll need them on the other side.”

The #loverecordstores campaign will officially launch at 9am (UK) on Thursday 26th March 

Bruce Houghton on 03/25/2020 in





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