Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Upgrading Postgres instead of schema change: 18 May, 2020 | MusicBrainz Blog


We’ve long procrastinated upgrading our production Postgres installation and we’ve decided to forego a schema change upgrade and instead upgrade Postgres to version 12.x. (We will migrate to whatever the latest stable version in the 12.x series will be).

This means that on 18 May we will not make any changes to the MusicBrainz schema, but  we will have some amount of down-time and/or read-only time while we upgrade Postgres on our production servers. We haven’t sorted out all of the exact details of how we will carry out this database upgrade, but the date is now confirmed.

If you operate a replicated instance of the MusicBrainz database we STRONGLY urge you to upgrade your installation shortly after we upgrade the production servers. After this release our team may start using Postgres features not available in Postgres 9.5.x, which is our current production version.

As usual for our releases that impact our downstream users, we will post many more details closer to the date and once the migration is complete, we will post detailed instructions on how you can upgrade your own installation.

Please post any questions you may have!


[from https://ift.tt/2lc8A0P]

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