Wednesday, July 24, 2019

3 Marketing Mistakes Artists Frequently Make Online [VIDEO] | hypebot

1At this point, digital marketing is an essential part of getting ahead as an artist, but given that it can be an at least partly unfamiliar space for some, chances are good you'll fall into some all-too-common pitfalls if you're not careful. Here we look at three frequently made mistakes and how to avoid them.


Guest post by James Shotwell of Haulix

Digital marketing is an essential element of music business success, and there are certain things everyone must do to get ahead.

Music is all about self-expression. A great song can tell the world who you are, what you feel, and what you believe matters most in life. That same material can make an impact on listeners that literally changes how they see the world around them. Music is a wonderful thing in that way, but to reach people, you need to know how to market your creativity.

Digital marketing is the backbone of music promotion today. It is impossible to imagine an artist getting ahead without having a strong presence online. Before you can reach the masses with your ideas, however, there are a few essential marketing concepts you need to understand.

First and foremost, consistent branding is what separates musicians people remember from the ones who are forgotten. There are way more good musicians no one remembers than there are great musicians everyone can easily recognize. The reasons for this are numerous, but more often than not, branding is at the center of it all. A great brand makes you seem more professional, more talented, and altogether better.

As for the other two elements, you’ll need to watch the latest episode of our video series, Music Biz 101. Embedded below, the video finds host James Shotwell breaking down the essential elements of successful digital marketing that many artists overlook when attempting to promote themselves online.

Don’t allow yourself to become another musician no one remembers. Watch this episode of Music Biz 101 and get to work!

James Shotwell is the Director of Customer Engagement at Haulix and host of the company's podcast, Inside Music. He is also a public speaker known for promoting careers in the entertainment industry, as well as an entertainment journalist with over a decade of experience. His bylines include Rolling Stone, Alternative Press, Substream Magazine, Nu Sound, and Under The Gun Review, among other popular outlets.


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