Thursday, November 8, 2018

Doing All the Right SEO Techniques but Still Ranking Low on Google? Here’s Why | Evolvor Media

After you have written a fantastically-orchestrated article, you would expect that well-known search engines like Google will gladly display your work on their first two or three Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS) immediately after someone enters your keyword, right?

But then you run a search and don’t find your work at all. This can be frustrating, but, you need to understand that these search engines require that you use the (‘their’ actually) right search engine optimization (SEO) techniques;

However, if you have written your article and followed all the required SEO techniques and your article is still not visible, then any of the following, or a combination, may be the reason!

Obsolete techniques

Eric Slu, CEO of digital marketing agency Single Grain, says that “…Google and the other search engines are constantly updating their algorithms. As a result, if you’ve been out of the game for some time, you could be using dated tactics that no longer bring about the results that they used to.”You, therefore, need to keep yourself up-to-date (or up-to-minute) on Google SEO techniques and stay dynamic to keep up.

Competitive niche

One funny thing people tend to do is do what others are doing. For instance, picture that street you used to live on 5 years ago that had no cafés when you were there and now has five, three of which opened about the same time and two of them actually face each other. If you intend to stay in a competitive niche, you will need to spice it up with creative thinking and writing.

Not paying attention to customers

People may have visited your sites in the past and made comments on your posts. It is vital that you consider what they say (even though their tone may not be appealing). Pick out the constructive criticism and improve on your work by understanding the core of their comments.

Catchy keywords

There was a time your keywords were almost the most important part of your article for keeping Google interested, now, however, you actually get penalised for overloading your work with keywords. Sean Si, head honcho and editor-in-chief of SEO Hacker explains that, “Today, Google has made the phrase “content is king” more relevant than ever. They actually penalize websites that make use of keyword stuffing and promote those that have helpful, natural content written for users rather than search engines.

Linking irrelevant sites

Linking your article to one or two relevant sites with high traffic that corroborate your work is helpful in that it shows Google that your site is also useful. But, if you are linking many sites, some may begin to look irrelevant and may stray from your core topic;


There’s beauty in original productions. It’s just like watching a remade movie with an old title, often times the title puts you off and this lowers your interest in the ‘new’ version. There is nothing wrong with consulting other works to put yours together but it is crucial to use your own words.

This also applies to previous articles done by you. You should not lift anything word for word. The human brain remembers (like the North in Game of Thrones).

Do an SEO audit on your website

Neil Patel suggests that you run an SEO audit on your website. You can do it yourself and save money. Neil goes on to say that, “An SEO audit means you’re closely examining your overall site performance, setting new goals based on what you find, and implementing tactics to reach those goals. This process helps you increase your profits by making the best use of the content you already have.”

Use Infographics

Infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. They aid understanding by making use of graphics to improve the natural human visual ability to see patterns and trends.

All the above-stated reasons and more can make your articles rank low on Google, despite you adhering to all the right SEO techniques. You may want to find out more by checking out Neil Patel’s article here:

The post Doing All the Right SEO Techniques but Still Ranking Low on Google? Here’s Why appeared first on Digital Media News & Training.


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