Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Why Marketing Professionals Should Be Keeping Their Head in the Cloud(s) | Evolvor Media

Cloud technology is no longer in its infancy: it has now reached maturity and has systematically eradicated previous technologies from the market. More and more industries recognise its benefits, including the advertising and marketing sector. In this article, you will get to see how marketers are doing business in a tech oriented world.

cloud computing

The Cloud Is Becoming General

No ploy to scare you, just simple facts. Forbes have long reported on the vibrant expansion of Cloud technology around the world. The big players in the sector expect that very soon, up to 40% of all digital data will be processed in The Cloud.

This is mainly due to the fact that we are increasingly becoming a digital society: bank statements, telephone invoices and even Christmas greetings are digitally managed in most cases. It’s estimated that the average house in the near future will process 3.3 TB of data in digital format. This is in comparison to the last seven years where the same family processed only 464 GB.

At first glance, it seems this mightn’t be the amount of data we would like to keep in our homes, so generally, this can be accommodated via The Cloud.

Marketing and IT Are Excellent Partners

According to the latest Synapse Search Engine Optimisation reports, spending by Chief Marketing Managers (CMO) on technology will exceed the costs of the main technology (CIO) in the next five years. Confused? We’re not. If we look at the changes that occur in the structures of company operations, we see that most often, it is the marketing operators who decide on IT purchases, with new technologies working more and more to meet their needs.

Aren’t you convinced yet? Pay attention to phenomena such as:

  • Database and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Digital advertising
  • Database marketing
  • Marketing Automation (MA)
  • Customer analysis
  • Mobile marketing
  • E-commerce

In all these cases, marketing specialists need specific calculation structures for the applications to meet their needs, including knowledge and distribution of contents. In other words, today’s marketing departments are often a source of internal IT demand and an incentive for investments.

Why Use The Cloud In Marketing?

IT Experts provided several answers to this question, starting with the simplest. First of all, they stated that the Cloud is a service, not hardware. Marketers want a platform ready to solve problems, not the elements of the platform. The ability to run any infrastructure, platform or application in the cloud, on demand, will always be essential for marketing departments. The nature of The Cloud service – as well as the ability to take advantage of it only for a specific task at a given time – is something that gives you the feeling of having the appropriate resources at your fingertips. It also identifies the specific savings associated with the lack of need to invest in infrastructure.

Furthermore, The Cloud is a hi-tech entity, which is exposed to the product promoter in a distinctive way in two stages:

  • Scalability
  • Data processing speed

What Do Marketers Gain From the Cloud?

  1. Speed of Implementation

The factor known as TTM (Time To Market) is the ability to respond quickly to market needs and is essential for modern marketing. Imagine that as a marketing specialist, you approach the IT department and request the server on Friday, because you’re starting a new campaign. Do you always do this on Fridays? With The Cloud, any number of servers, platforms or applications can be implemented within minutes, often without IT intervention. This is a benefit that will not be overlooked by any marketer, because due to this, applications of social networks, mobile websites, online games, advertising campaigns or digital television can be accommodated immediately.

  1. Scalability

The Cloud spares marketers from having to forecast whether a specific solution will live up to their expectation;, for instance, in correlation to certain traffic flows or computational proficiency. In the case of The Cloud, a marketer introduces a solution and the infrastructure automatically adapts to the requirements of this solution. This completely eliminates the risk of situations in which the effective campaign is delayed, due to the inability to manage it properly.

  1. Savings

This is a derivative of the second point. Reducing the cost of IT infrastructure is something we continually hear about in the context of Cloud technology. For marketing experts, it marks the end of the need to maintain their infrastructure and the acquisition of resources, only when there is a real demand for it.

  1. Greater Public

The Cloud has expanded customer horizons. Until now, digital marketing specialists could interact with the computer user. Nowadays, thanks to Cloud service providers and the development of mobile applications (through The Cloud), marketing operators can reach users wherever they are, where that be on public transport or anywhere else far from a computer.

  1. Easy Access to Resources

The specific nature of marketing work must have constant access to the archives or, more generally, to resources. The Cloud offers you such an opportunity, because whether you use a smartphone or tablet, the company databases, CRM platform, and the email system will always be at your fingertips.

  1. Reliability

In companies where a lot of data is processed, the reliability of infrastructure is important. The competition never sleeps, so if they use solutions in The Cloud, they will not only process data faster. However, something like a hardware failure will not jeopardise an effective campaign. Remember that the Cloud is resistant to hardware failures, as it frees up the execution time of a specific physical infrastructure.

  1. Data Security

The challenge of losing physical data has always been a common phenomenon: the wrong flash drive disconnected or the hard disk not working can see valuable data lost. In The Cloud, computer data is secure and combined with the company’s corresponding security policy. It is akin to a USB memory stored in the vault, which (even if compromised) will not lose data.

The Cloud Is an Opportunity

It’s obvious that to succeed in business, you have to stay ahead of the competition. Those who take advantage of Cloud technology have the power at their disposal which until now was the preserve of only large networks or companies. This allows small businesses to compete with the industry boards.

For marketing professionals, The Cloud offers another advantage, as to use it in the form of SaaS, you don’t need to be a qualified professional. Applications that run in The Cloud are generally easier to use than on desktop; just think of how well the CRM or customer e-mail (such as Gmail) navigates.


The post Why Marketing Professionals Should Be Keeping Their Head in the Cloud(s) appeared first on Digital Media News & Training.


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