Wednesday, June 6, 2018

How To A Solo Music Career Off The Ground | hypebot

1Being a successful solo musician is no easy task, and before fully embarking on a career as a solos performing, there is a certain amount of planning that should be done lest your hopes and dreams crumble before you've even begun. Here we explore how to launch and promote your solo career.


In this recent post to MusicThinkTankKenneth Estrada y Santiago details what a solo performer needs to do in order to successfully launch a solo music career.

"Don’t get me wrong — just because you’re looking to start a solo project, that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to leave your band right away. There are special bonds in every long-term band relationship, and you should always try to keep them intact. You’ve shared so many memories, and you’re probably closer with your bandmates in some ways than you are with some of your best friends."

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