Monday, March 13, 2017

May 2017 Schema Change Release: May 15, 2017 | MusicBrainz Blog

We have picked our set of tickets and the date for our May 2017 scheme change release: May 15th 2017. This will be a fairly standard and minor schema change release — we’re only tackling 3 tickets that affect downstream users and no other infrastructure changes.

Take a look at our  list of tickets for this schema change release. There really are only two tickets that will affect most of our downstream users:

  • MBS-8393: “Extend dynamic attributes to all entities” Currently our works have the concept of additional attributes which allows the community to decide which sorts of new attributes to apply to a work. (e.g. catalog numbers, rhythmic structures, etc) This ticket will implement these attributes to all of our entities. Also, this ticket will not change any database tables, it will only add new tables.
  • MBS-5452: “Support multiple lyric language values for works” Currently only one language or the special case “multiple languages” may be used to identify the language used in lyrics. This ticket allows more than one language to be specified for lyrics of a work.

The following tickets are special cases — they will not really affect our downstream users who do not have edit data loaded into their system. We are only including this change at the schema change release time in order to bring some older replicated systems up to date. If you do not use the edit data, then please ignore these tickets.

  • MBS-9271: “Prevent usernames from being reused” This ticket does not change the schema, but for sake of minimizing downstream disruption, we’re going to carry out this ticket during the schema change.
  • MBS-9274: “Fix the edit_note_idx_post_time_edit index in older setups to handle NULL post_time” This ticket fixes an SQL index on an edit related table.
  • MBS-9273: “Fix the a_ins_edit_note function in older setups to not populate edit_note_recipient for own notes” This ticket also fixes an SQL index on an edit related table.

This is it — really minor this time around. If you have any questions, feel free to post them in the comments or on the tickets themselves.



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